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«Московский комсомолец» об одном из любимых мест Мехди в Москве

Друзья, в газете «Московский комсомолец» №27207 от 19 сентября 2016 г, а также на сайте mk.ru опубликован материал об одном из моих любимых и самых красивых мест Москвы, которое также является и местом силы.
Ссылка на материал: mk.ru


Dear friends, «Moskovsky Komsomolets» issue 27207, as well as mk.ru website (see the link http://www.mk.ru/social/2016/09/18/vladimir-levkin-predpochitaet-khoditnarybalku-nepokidaya-stolicu.html) 19 September 2016 published the article about one of my favorite and one of the most beautiful places in Moscow, which is also a place of power.

The winner of the third season of «The Battle of Psychics» Mehdi Ebragimi Vafa: «This is the area near the Novodevichy Convent. I fell in love with the place at first sight almost 20 years ago. The church, the lake, apple trees (they were more numerous before). It has got fantastic energy, this place calms me down, supports and fills me with force. When I went to college, I often came here to be on my own. I used to sit on the bench and feel the warmth. It helped me to concentrate.

It is a real place of power for me. Many good things happened to me here. For example, in this park I met my wife. In addition to all this, it is surely one of the most beautiful places in Moscow. The source of energy of this place is in the middle of the lake. I feel that it goes from there. You too can feel it, too, just come here and walk around the lake leisurely. You will understand what I am talking about».


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