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Different views on extrasensory.

Different views on extrasensory.
For what psychic promote yourself? Let’s start with the fact that advertising has become part of our lives. Marketing — a new concept that has turned the world of koto. Today, any company, enterprise lyudboe live by the laws of marketing. If we consider the psychics like those who simply have amazing abilities, then of course they do not need advertising. But if you talk about psychics and their abilities in terms of services, it becomes apparent that they are also working on developing and marketing to the general laws. From this perspective, condemn psychics for advertising can not. But there is an important moral side of the issue. Where it comes to grief, feelings, human experiences, there is inappropriate to talk about advertising and marketing. Accordingly, ESP and promotional activities concepts inconsistent. Everything in life is relative and it all depends on how a particular person belongs to every phenomenon. There are laws of God, which can not be condemned. There are laws of society, in which everything is built differently. There is one particular person who makes decisions for yourself. It is necessary to respect any opinion.


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