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Официальный сайт победителя Битвы экстрасенсов Мехди Эбрагими Вафа
+7 (909) 976-93-16    +7 (909) 162-37-77

Ekstraesns and responsibility

Very often psychics have to take on a huge responsibility. Why is that? From the fact that the people who come to the reception to a psychic, blaming all their problems and their solution at the very psychic. And what to do in this case? Imagine you were a psychic. Quite a challenge. Ekstrasens- the man who most feels, sees, hears, but he is not all-powerful wizard who is under the power of absolutely everything. From this we can draw an unambiguous conclusion that the psychic, of course, can take on this responsibility, but how justified thus hopes to address — is not clear! You can make only one conclusion — even for a hike to a psychic is to take full responsibility for yourself, so you do not accuse psychics in deception. Should think a hundred times before you ask for help from other forces — whether psychic or clairvoyant or healer. Each person assumes full responsibility for your life, which can be, and is easier to give a psychic, but is it right ?!

Dear friends, in order to avoid cases of fraud related to psychics for yourself, please be careful!


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