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Psychic and Client

Psychic must always remember the rule, almost like a doctor: do no harm! This is the first and most important rule of people working in the field of medicine and psychology. When in your hands the destiny of man, it is necessary in the first place to put the interests of the individual. Therefore, the psychic is responsible for his work and for the result. But the most important thing is not even the result but a process. In the process of psychic should primarily serve as a psychologist, locate the person to talk, to be able to listen to it, and then give the correct advice, which would later lead to success. The challenge psychic — the ability to control the process from the beginning to its logical conclusion. Psychic — a very fine line between today and tomorrow (yesterday). Psychic achieve results only if the trust is created tight contact between the psychic and the client itself. Without trust, the work loses psychic success. It is important to remember. Best psychic in a hostile mood of the customer often can not do anything. Therefore, before going to the reception to a psychic, you should understand clearly — is whether you trust the psychic as a man, are you ready to listen to it and share intimate secrets.


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