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Psychic under water and on land.

Psychic who? Can a psychic work equally under the water, on land, in space? Such experiments are not carried out together, but separately, of course, the ability of such categories of people conducted. Psychics are able to work in all conditions, except for the cases when a psychic is not just receive information. Psychic must perform adequately in all conditions, because psychic abilities are not dependent on the operating conditions. At the bottom of the ocean, in the air, on the ground — a psychic need only time trying to focus, and then comes the information requested psychic. Psychics hard work just only if it stop working — noise, extraneous movement, and so on, but the area does not affect the operation of the psychic. Psychics — hypersensitive people who see and hear more than is given to ordinary people. Psychics are unique, but always remember that the psychic — it is primarily a man, and therefore it is not alien to all human.


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