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+7 (909) 976-93-16    +7 (909) 162-37-77

Psychics and career.

Every profession man rises anyway the career ladder. And what about the psychic? Psychic — a profession which, in principle, no. Psychics do not get, psychics (most) are born. And what can I say. Probably not for the fact that the psychic career ladder. Psychic, of course, can develop their abilities to multiply their strength, but he was psychic, and remains. Psychic in the profession «standing in one place!» But this does not prevent him to develop to varying degrees. If a psychic is recognized, his plate is already taken. Professional level of psychic determined, probably only amount votes from people to whom he was able to help. Diplomas in extrasensory perception is not given, no psychic courses, schools do not have a training program extrasensory, and thus officially a career can not be psychic. Nevertheless, psychics we need in life, their help is needed, their advice is invaluable, and their knowledge is important for us, their vision is unusual …


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